Introduce yourself to the class in this blog post. Write a short biography including this information: 

* Who are you 

* Where are you from

* Tell us a little about yourself 

* Tell us a little about your family, and hometown

- Upload a picture

Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment on your teacher's post.

Word count: 120 words (minimum)

I'm Claudia I was born in Santiago and I’ve always lived here, although I would love to live by the sea or in the south of Chile one day.
I studied at Alberto Hurtado University, and teaching English is something that I have enjoyed so far, therefore when I think about my decision of studying pedagogy I realize I don't regret it at all. However, there are many other things I'd like to do in the future.

About my family I can tell you that I have just one brother, he is twenty eight years old and he is a philosophy teacher and musician.  My father loves the ocean so the three of us enjoy surfing and diving together. My mom passed away in October last year.

Some of my hobbies are drawing, listening to music and sometimes play drums, I'm also very keen on films so I watch them very often. But what I like the most is practicing sports, of course I haven't done much because of the pandemic,  I've been running though and doing yoga, but I prefer been outdoor, I was about to start in trail endurance cycling when covid  appeared, but during quarantine I've learned other things as well, like to cook new recipes and knit. I guess despite the circumstances there is always something to be learned.


  1. oh wow, the pandemic has also made me learn to cook and taught me other ways to entertain myself!

  2. Hi!, I was born in Santiago too and I like the south of Chile, but I never visited it. :( I think that draw is very relaxing, and it help as a swich off of the pandemic, that it brought to us.

  3. The pandem stopped more projects personally but created new projects, i think this time remote all normal every life, all persons given to one more time are reflected upon our life and future

  4. oh , i love the south of chile too, i hope i can live in there one day, usually i go there for vacations or something like that jaajajajaja.
    Hopefully the pandemic ends soon, so all of us can resume our hobbies like we want :c.

  5. cool that you play the drums, do you have one in your home? it's a good way to release energy when almost all of the time is in our houses

  6. I love the south of Chile too, I think is a fantastic place to live, with a big woods and esplanades of beautiful contryside, where someone can have a relax.

  7. I'm very keen on films too! What kind of films do you like? Personally I love russian cinema because It's something dark and melancholy.

  8. i love sports too , my boyfriend does a lot of climbing & moto-trail riding , but instead of you pandemic just boosted the sports practising time because we live in the countryside not the city .

  9. How beautiful is surfing and diving!! You feel something very special when you are at sea. I hope we can practice them again very soon!!!

  10. I completely agree, despite of quarantine and the hard times, we can inspired to learn something new. For my part I learned how to cooking better and not only rice and pastas XD.

  11. I like too practice sports, but i don't have motivation or courage :( well, also a don't have time cause y studies take all my free time, i really wanna the pandemic ends and get out to do whatever i want.

  12. I think the same as you Miss, In this pandemic I have done things that I could not do before and I have also learned many things, For example, I have less patience than I thought.

  13. the south of Chile is beautiful, without a doubt the Carretera Austral is an incredible place to live. I have lucky travel two ocassion.

  14. The south of our country is magic and special, if you go one time, your body and your mind asks for more. The nature, the places, the sounds, all is diferent from our daily life, and is an unforgettable experience!

  15. Traducción:
    I love sports too! But I dance. I would love to learn Yoga, I think I could use the quarantine to learn!

  16. I like the south of Chile too, my family and I have plans to move there in a couple of years when I finish the university. Listening to music is one of my favorite hobbies :) it relaxes me.

  17. it really is very entertaining to run and it helps a lot to have a moment of connection with oneself, from my experience as an athlete this happens to me especially over long distances. I don't know if the same thing will happens to you miss?

  18. I think it's too much fun to have a dad who likes the ocean, I feel like you spent a lot of your childhood near the sea.

  19. Really interesting family you got there!, i send my deepest condolences for your loss, i hope that is something that you've been able to work out.
    It would be cool to see some of your drawings, keep up the high spirits.

  20. I like cycling too. I use the "sports strip" for ride a bike, although in the morning is very cold, but I enjoy anyway.


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